first things first, let's tell you all what we've been doing.
we picked up some posters for GIRLS NIGHT II the other day which we're gonna be plastering all over the globe, so keep your eyes peeled for that. we also got some other posters that we'll be selling as merch at the show, for a probably extremely reasonable price. designed in collaboration with joel dent, we like to think it's a malevich-esque masterpiece of modern art.
we also had a band practice last night, working on a couple of TOP SECRET covers for girls night that you totally aren't allowed to know about (except the langli family, who heard it through their floorboards; and espen's girlfriend who walked in on us practicing it). we will say this - it'll be worth your £5, without a shadow of a doubt.
been quite busy lately, caught up in the futile struggle of modern life (you know how it is). as such, I've had this piece of poetry by Wystan Auden stuck in my head for a few days, which I thought I'd share on here as it to me sums up the fleetingness of human existence perfectly, and strangely happily. apologies to lit students who will definitely have heard this before.
it was late, late in the evening,
the lovers they were gone;
the clocks had ceased their chiming,
and the deep river ran on.
we'll see you next week on "thom remembering that he has to update the band blog once in a while"
peace xox