Leeds, England

indie artrock band from Leeds with more instruments than you. our mums are really proud of us
virgin awful home-recorded EP done and finished, and a dazzlingly shiny single out now. catch us around leeds

Saturday 25 April 2015

ǝʇnɥɔɐɹɐd ʇuǝsqɐ - last nite


last nite was wonderful

thank you very much to the wardrobe and AP for having us, and our best bud LIAM BLAKE for collaborating with us in the most fun song we've ever played
a night of laughs and black eyes (bm's sister)

we're trying to organise GIRLS NIGHT 2 to get some more mad fun in after exams...
this time hopefully Whine will appear alongside Absent Parachute and frenchgirls, with a yet to be confirmed fourth band
look out for that!!!

thanks for coming down last nite,
